Adventurous Leaders


Creative Entrepreneurs

Adventurous Leaders Inspiring Creative EntrepreneursAdventure Leads us to Innovation, Creativity, and ExecutionAlways Learning and Improving through Curiosity and ExplorationAdventurous Leaders Inspiring Creative Engineers

Adventurous Leaders Inspiring Creative Entrepreneurs (Engineers).
Adventure Leads us to Innovation, Creativity, and Execution.
Always Learning and Improving through Curiosity and Exploration.

ALICE Project

We Are Adventurous Leaders Who Are Not Afraid Of Challenges.

We are adventurous leaders who always embrace new challenges with joy

Simply thinking or imagining doesn’t change the world. If you want something the only way to achieve it is by taking action. It may result in failure, but failure is just a part of the entire process. We are not afraid of failure. Adventure is in our DNA.

Business Segments

Business Consulting & Investment

We provide expert advice and guidance to help businesses improve their performance, solve problems, and achieve their goals

Software Development

We create and enhance digital frameworks and technologies to support and streamline various business processes

Robotics Engineering

We integrate elements of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and computer science in Robotics Engineering to design, develop, and operate intelligent and autonomous robotic systems

We empower entrepreneurs to transform their visions into reality

Despite strong passion and great ideas, you may have faced limitations due to insufficient IT knowledge, skills, and a budget crunch. Those frustrating days are over. We can help you navigate through obstacles.

ALICE Project

We Create IT Business Platforms That Make A Big Difference

With decades of experience spanning various business sectors, from major corporations to startups, our team of seasoned CTOs and developers is dedicated to crafting and developing systems specifically tailored for your success.

Backend Development

Backend development involves creating the server-side logic and infrastructure that powers the functionality of applications and ensures seamless communication with databases.

Frontend Development

Frontend development focuses on designing and implementing the user interface and client-side functionality of websites and applications to enhance the user experience.

Mobile / PC
Application Development

Crafting applications for both mobile and PC platforms, our development process seamlessly blends innovation and user-centric design to deliver business solutions that engage and empower.

We design hardware for a more convenient and enjoyable world

We specialize in designing industrial equipment, including semiconductor machinery, as well as various electronic products such as motion simulators. Our expertise encompasses CAD/CAM, circuit design, artwork, and firmware development, ensuring comprehensive solutions for your business needs.